Nakhon Pathom air quality map

Live air pollution map of Nakhon Pathom

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1 Trakarnsanga Family Farm


2 Water reservoir


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What are some of the readings shown on the air quality map for Nakhon Pathom?

To cite some examples of the air pollution levels, in the form of US AQI readings taken in Nakhon Pathom, figures from mid-July 2022 will be used as a reference point. Readings can and will change suddenly, and users can refer to the air quality map above to see when the most polluted times of the day, month and year are. Typically, in Nakhon Pathom and many cities throughout Thailand, the most polluted days, with the highest readings on the air quality map will come at the end of the year as well as the very start of the following year, usually due to smoke and other airborne pollutants being released from the slash and burn farming practices. This can affect cities many miles away.

Some readings taken in July were ones such as 37, representing a 'good' air quality rating, the best one achievable. Whilst a majority of stations for monitoring air quality exist predominantly within and around Bangkok, the ones available for Nakhon Pathom will continue to grow as time goes on.

Which people can benefit more from using air quality maps in Nakhon Pathom?

Those who live in Nakhon Pathom and may benefit the most from referencing air quality maps include more vulnerable groups such as the elderly, those with pre-existing health conditions, as well as young children, babies and pregnant mothers.

Which pollutants do the air quality maps in Nakhon Pathom show?

US AQI readings on the air quality map for Nakhon Pathom are aggregated from pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide as well as PM2.5 and PM10. When air pollution readings rise higher, people in the surrounding areas will be exposed to higher amounts of these pollutants throughout Nakhon Pathom.

What causes higher pollution readings on air pollution maps in Nakhon Pathom?

Many different contributing factors see the air quality readings for the pollution map rise across the various monitoring stations (as well as the average pollution reading shown on the city page) in Nakhon Pathom. For further information, which like many of the answers in this article can help to enhance people's understanding of air pollution, its causes and the effects it can have on health (which is highly important in progressing towards a cleaner environment as well as lessened exposure to the overall population, as with education regarding air pollution levels, there will be a natural inclination for people to be aware of polluting factors and thus contribute to seeing them lowered, as well as keeping themselves and their family safe from breathing in excessive amounts when possible in Nakhon Pathom).

To go into further detail regarding the reasons as to why US AQI readings as shown on the pollution map above may be elevated on certain days (which if they are not currently shown as elevated, will do so at one point in time or another, hence the need to check these maps consistently for the most accurate and up to date air quality information), some of the main polluting offenders will be mentioned. Large amounts of chemical compounds, hazardous particles and other air contaminants can be released from vehicle usage, an issue that is prevalent throughout the world, and most noticeable in larger cities, particularly capital ones. The noticeable aspect of it can be furthered by large amounts of infrastructure, with high amounts of cars, motorbikes and trucks all moving through a city that has many tall buildings leading to much larger accumulations of air pollution. Buildings, as well as natural dips in the landscape, can lead to such accumulations due to a lack of prevailing winds, which are one of the most efficient ways in which air pollution is removed from an area, causing US AQI readings to drop significantly on the map when it does occur. Rain can also contribute, although it is far less potent than wind and usually only succeeds in removing some of the larger particles in the air by tamping them down. Chemical compounds and ultrafine particles and gases remain largely unaffected by rain, although the combination of both of these meteorological events can have noticeable effects for the period following a heavy wind and rain storm over and nearby Nakhon Pathom.

As mentioned, cars and motorbikes are big contributors to the more ambient or year-round pollution buildup issues, labeled as ambient due to them being in constant use (and less acute or sudden than other polluting events such as fires, which can come and go quickly but leave huge spikes of air pollution in their wake). Furthermore, heavier freight vehicles such as trucks, lorries and buses can give off heavy amounts of polluting materials, which may be seen on the air quality map in areas that have a high level of traffic, which may become more prominent during rush hour times. Besides giving off large amounts of contaminating particles and pollutants from their exhausts into the air in Nakhon Pathom, even gradual tire tread wear and tear can lead to huge amounts of rubber particles entering the atmosphere, as well as bodies of water or the earth, all of which can have effects on the environment, the food chain and the health of people who may be exposed to them and thus breathe in such particles. If said particles are fine enough, they may enter the bloodstream via the lungs (this also goes for a myriad of other ultrafine, or PM2.5 classed pollutants, such as black carbon or silica dust, or any material that is under 2.5 micrometers in diameter). This can cause significant health problems to occur, some of them appearing instantly whilst others may only show up many years later, with long-term health conditions such as cancer or deterioration of the lungs and circulatory system being prevalent (and becoming more so as air pollution becomes more of an issue, with increased vehicle ownership and increasing population size all leading to these harmful events).

Other causes of air pollution spikes on the air quality map above include emissions from factories or power plants, fires from open burn sites or slash and burn farming practices (which remain most prevalent in the northern regions of Thailand), as well as poorly paved roads and construction sites leading to much larger amounts of PM2.5 and PM10 filling the air. Whilst there are many more contributors to the rising pollution levels, these are some of the main ones that can be referenced as being driving factors behind heightened pollution levels in the form of US AQI on the air quality map in Nakhon Pathom.

Nakhon Pathom air quality data attribution


Data validated and calibrated by IQAirData validated and calibrated by IQAir

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